Carsten Scheibe
DVP-J 11880
author / photographer
24306 Plön
Lindenstrasse 11
Carsten Scheibe, has travelled around Europe, north Africa and United States as a photographer and motorcycle enthusiast. On his trips with his enduro he mainly uses small tracks and spends the nights in a tent or under the in the open. He has been a freelancer for many years for several magazines (for e.g. Motorrad Abenteuer, Motorrad News, Enduro and Motorrad und Reisen) with publications about his adventures in the French and Italian Maritime Alps, the Baltic states, Iceland, Scotland, Danmark, France, Sweden, Marocco, Balkan and United States of America. In addition he has presented some of his journeys in multivison shows in northern Germany.
Multivison shows:
Island – Insel des Lichts (Motorrad)
Marokko – die Suche nach der Wunderlampe (SUV)
Baltikum – Aufbruch (Motorrad)
Dänemark – Die Welt der Margeriten Route (Motorrad)
Seealpen – Über den Wolken (Motorrad)
Schottland – Scotlands Pride (Motorrad)
USA – Modern Cowboys – Entlang des Transamerica Trail
Publications 2024:
Motorrad Abenteuer 02_2024 Sonnige Zeiten – Raps in der Holsteinischen Schweiz
Motorrad Abenteuer 01_2024 Offroad in die Einsamkeit
Publications 2023:
Motorrad Abenteuer 06_2023 Adriarunde
Motorrad Abenteuer 06_2023 Reisevortrag im Winter
Motorrad Abenteuer 05_2023 Reisendurotreffen Ostholstein
Publications 2020:
Publications 2019:
Publications 2018:
Publications 2017:
Publications 2016:
Publications 2015:
Publications 2014: